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Service | Risks |
Google Search | Privacy: Tying your search history to your browsing activities via the DoubleClick advertising network gives the company a much more detailed view of your online activities. |
Gmail | Privacy: The routing information and content of your mail--including any attachments--reside unencrypted on Google servers. Legal liability: Loss of, or unauthorized access to, business correspondence increases your company's legal exposure. |
Google Docs and Spreadsheets | Privacy: Your files are stored unencrypted on Google servers. Legal liability: A business could be found negligent if it loses, or allows unauthorized access to, business documents. Loss of access: Until applications supporting Google Gears arrive, you lose access to your files when your Internet connection fails. |
Picasa Web Albums | Privacy: Photographs in albums designated "unlisted" can still be viewed by anyone who knows the URL. Loss of access: At present you have no option to view or back up your albums offline. |
Google Calendar | Privacy: Your daily schedule and associated information reside unencrypted on Google servers. Legal liability: Loss of, or unauthorized access to, business information puts your company at risk. Loss of access: You can't open your calendar without an Internet link, although this will change with the arrival of the Google Gears browser extension. |
Google Desktop | Privacy: If you neglect to lock the search function, anyone using your PC has access to your personal files. Legal liability: Copies of business documents may be stored on Google servers, making them susceptible to loss or unauthorized access. |
Google Talk | Privacy: Instant-message logs can be archived and searched in Gmail. |
Google Product Search | Privacy: A log of your product searches could be associated with your browsing history via the pending DoubleClick acquisition. |
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